Somji Mehdi

Director of Innovation & Partnerships

Trillium Health Partners

Mehdi Somji is the Director, Innovation & Partnerships at Trillium Health Partners (THP) Institute for Better Health (IBH). At IBH, he provides leadership and oversight to the Health System Innovation, Data, Insights and Advanced Analytics, and Strategic Design and Business Development portfolios stewarding innovation across the hospital, system, and the community. In his previous role, he was the Director of Integrated Health Systems, Partnerships, Health Analytics & Family Practice at Humber River Hospital. Mehdiholds a Master of Health Informatics, Master Certificate in Health Care Leadership, is a Certified Health Executive (CHE), and was awarded The Robert Zed Young Health Leader Award by the Canadian College of Health Leaders.

All Sessions by Somji Mehdi

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Day 1: Dec 5, 2023

Day 2: Dec 6, 2023