Shakil Ahmad

Director, Quality, Risk, Health Information, Emergency Preparedness, Patient Relations, and Privacy

Shakil Ahmad is the Director of Quality, Risk and Privacy at Runnymede Healthcare Center, Toronto and a Quality Consultant for the Joint Commission, USA (Hospitals Accrediting Organization). He has over fifteen years of experience in clinical, administrative, and leadership positions in healthcare management, quality, and patient safety. He is an internal medicine specialist, having trained and practiced in it. He guides healthcare systems, community and academic hospitals, and ambulatory centres to get accredited in North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific Countries, India, and the Middle East. I have been a catalyst for hospitals in preparing for disease or service-specific certification g. End-Stage Renal Failure, Palliative). He is also a European Foundation Quality Management Assessor, ISO Auditor, and Lean Six Sigma Specialist.

He has a Bachelor of Medicine from India, Master in Healthcare Management from the United Kingdom and is a Fellow of the International Society of Quality for Healthcare.


All Sessions by Shakil Ahmad

Printer Friendly SEE 2024 AGENDA

Day 1: Dec 5, 2023

Day 2: Dec 6, 2023